If there is one thing travel bloggers do well above anything else it’s Instagram. I can spend hours looking through feeds of pictures that inspire me to leave everything behind and jump off a waterfall, kayak through pristine glacial water or find a rooftop infinity pool to sip a mojito as the sunsets. You get the idea.
Anyway, rather than go running naked into a jungle, I thought I’d put this inspiration to good use and come up with a list of 20 instagram account to keep an eye on.
The best Instagram travel accounts
While there are many great accounts out there with thousands and thousands of followers, to be included on this list there were only three stipulations:
1. It has to be a travel related instagram account (obviously)
2. At the time of writing this, it has to have had under 3000 followers.
3. I like it.
Now I’m not promising you will, as the beauty of art, and yes, photography is art, is that everyone has a different opinion. So this is mine, only mine, but I hope you can agree.
That said, let’s crack on in no particular order:
The Travel Blogs top 20 Instagram accounts with less than 3000 followers
@becomingthescenery – a nice mixture of bright blue skies, architecture and some fun shots thrown in along the way.
@wandering_balt – Hugely talented photographer that has great skill in capturing people. The style colour also adds a gritty realism to the profile.
@e3motivates – A personal journey with an urban feel. A great mix of people, street art and great use of depth of field.
“No place is boring if you’ve had a good night’s sleep and have a pocket full of film.” – Robert Adams
@jenonajetplane – Wonderful colours that really give a sense of place as solo traveller Jen, takes on the world while holding down a full-time job.
@discoveringlegacies – Some great street shots, faces and some jealousy inducing beaches – you have been warned!
@missfilatelista – Places, faces, culture and architecture. A nice account that really captures the atmosphere of a place.
“Photography is the story I fail to put into words.” – Destin Sparks
@iconiclife_travel – Gorgeous shots of nature, great use of colour and a few jumpy shots thrown in for good measure.
@chrisostomos_kamberis – Absolutely stunning landscapes and some wonderful animal portraits too, be sure to check it out.
@nomadventura – Irish adventure traveller, always up to something awesome, often on a bike!
@onlyoncetoday – Some stunning photos making great use of angles for some really creative composition and moody colours.
“I don’t trust words. I trust pictures.” – Gilles Peress
@ajauntwithjoy – Bright and colourful snaps tell the story of Joy’s outdoor adventures.
@traveloutlandish – A great photographer that sees interest in the little details others may miss. Her profile uses slightly muted colour tones to wonderful effect.
@travelwithrahul – Get off the beaten track with Rahul’s travels. Some wonderful shots of places that really make you feel you are on an adventure.
@nuriavidal7 – Nuria has been on her journey around Europe for a while and building a loyal following along the way. Easy to see why with some great shots of iconic landmarks in her stylish profile.
“Beauty can be seen in all things, seeing and composing the beauty is what separates the snapshot from the photograph.” – Matt Hardy
@travelure – A hugely talented photographer on a journey. Enjoy the rich colours and long exposures to create some fantastic snaps.
@jha_nisha – A nice mix of sharp focused close-up shots and landscapes as Nisha travels the world.
@indranipics – A nice account that looks to focus on life. Shots of iconic places are interspersed with the people enjoying them. Really gives you a rounded sense of a place.
“Which of my photographs is my favourite? The one I’m going to take tomorrow.” – Imogen Cunningham
@svadore – A lot of water, a lot of ice cream and a pink flamingo – do you need more than that in life?
@_2ghumakkar_ – Creative angles have resulted in some wonderful shots with bold colours harmonious alongside the great use of black and white.
@therovingheart – More pink flamingoes, just not the ones you sit on this time. Well, I guess you could, but it might annoy them. Anyway, lovely, stylish shots from some wonderful places.
“Life is like a camera. Just focus on what’s important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don’t work out, just take another shot.” – Unknown
Of course, I can’t write an article about instagram without giving myself a cheeky little plug. Here’s me, a little over 3000 but still growing. I love to showcase my own and others photos. If you want me to find you be sure to hash tag your photos #thetravelblogs
So, who are your favourites?
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These accounts share awesome pics. I really appreciate your effort in collecting these accounts.
Thanks for the great share.
Have a good day.
Loving these travel accounts!
Great post! These accounts are amazing and its really good to see people on the rise. Love it!
I love this post and actually the whole concept of your blog! Ive just gone and followed everyone you suggested. Thanks for the info
Beautiful! Nice set of lists. If you do have a post updating this, do have a look at instagram.com/katchutravels and see if it makes the cut 🙂
Feeling awesome to be appreciated and thanks a lot for listing us.
Feels gr8 to have the work appreciated and to have made your list! Thanks for the inclusion!